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This page is for NLINK version 8x, or version 7x ( or newer). Please see How to Create and Gather NLINK Trace Files (NLINK 7x) if you are using NLINK version 7x prior to Please see How to Create an NLINK Trace File (NLINK 6x, 5x) if you are using NLINK version 6x or 5x. |
Product Note: NLINK Traces and Logs
Step-by-step guide
Follow these steps to create and gather NLINK Trace Files (aka "workset dumps" or "dump files") to send to Junot Support for help with troubleshooting data problems.
Step-by-step guide
Gather Logs
Use the NLINK Management Module (NMM) to gather diagnostic trace files:
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NLINK trace files tend to be small, but they do accumulate over time. Use the System Property Keep logs for n days to let the NLINK Manager service clean up the contents of the Logs folder automatically based on file modification date. Note that cumulative log files may not get purged if they are written to frequently, so you should still monitor the Logs folder to purge obsolete files on a regular basis. |
Product Note: NLINK Traces and Logs