When the NLINK Management Module (NMM) is started, you may get a pop-up indicating: “Insufficient rights to manage NLINK Server”
The NLINK Configuration Module (NCM) can open some meta-databases but fails to open meta-database in same directory or some other directory. The error message could be either “meta-database is not found” or “meta-database is locked by some other applciation”. Also NCM may fail with similar message when trying to migrate earlier versions of the meta-database to the current version.
You find that files that should be in the NLINK Config folder are either not getting updated as you expect, or appear in your user directory or Virtural Store (e.g., C:\Users\[logon user]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore...) instead of the under the NLINK Installation directory. A symptom of this might be creating new NLINK Environment Constants in the NCM, and then not seeing them in the NMM.
Set rights for all NLINK applications (NMM, NCM, NDM) to "Run as Administrator"
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