Edit NLINK ADC to SAP Solution Application Settings

Edit NLINK ADC to SAP Solution Application Settings

Follow these steps to modify the NLINK ADC to SAP Solution ASP.NET application settings.

Step-by-step guide

The NLINK ADC to SAP Solution includes an ASP.NET application. This application has some settings that can be changed as needed. 

These settings can be editing using Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager.

  1. In Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager, select the ASP.NET application and click on “Features View”
  2. Select “Application Settings”

List of Application Settings           

  1. PageTitle
    Set title text to show at the top of the login screen. The default value is NLINK ADC Solution.
  2. mainImage
    Set location of an image file to show at the top of the login screen. The default value is ~/logo.jpg which points to a Junot Systems logo. The default root directory is \CoNNectors\ADC under the NLINK installation directory.
  3. initialHost
    Set the URL used to communicate with the NLINK Server. The default value is http://localhost:9812/. If the IIS Server that hosts the ASP.NET application is on a different machine, or the TCP port to use (NLINK Environment Constant “ADC TCP Port”) has been changed, set the appropriate values here.
  4. ScreenWidth
    Set the number of columns expected on the screen. The default value is 20. “ScreenWidth” can be customized based on device resolution, see note below about "Multiple screen resolutions".
  5. NoTruncate
    Set to override the ScreenWidth in case a particular field must be presented in its full length. Normally the fields are truncated at the right edge of the screen (per the ScreenWidth value) in order to prevent horizontal scroll bars. The value in the field may actually be longer than what can be seen. The default value is 0 (allow truncation). "NoTruncate" can be customized based on device resolution, see note below about "Multiple screen resolutions".
  6. formBGColor
    Set the background color for the ADC pages. You can use HTML color names or hex color codes. The default value is #FFE0C0.
  7. Font
    Set the font name. The default value is Courier New. "Font" can be customized based on device resolution, see note below about "Multiple screen resolutions".
  8. highlightColor
    Set the color to indicate highlighted field on the login screen. You can use HTML color names or hex color codes. The default value is yellow.
  9. controlBGColor
    Set the color to indicate the default background color for the entry part of screen fields (controls). (The prompts always have the screen background color.) If you do not specify an overriding color in the metadatabase, this value will be used when rendering the screen. The default value is #AAAAAA.
  10. controlFGColor
    Set the color to indicate the default foreground (text) color for screen fields (controls). If you do not specify an overriding color in the metadatabase, this value will be used when rendering the screen. The default value is #000000.
  11. controlFontSize
    Set the font size. The default value is 10. The default value for resolution 480×640 is 18. "controlFontSize" can be customized based on device resolution, see note below about "Multiple screen resolutions"..
  12. useEnterForDefault
    Reserved. Do not change this value.
  13. AutoLogon
    Use with authentication settings in the metadatabase to bypass the login screen. If the ADC External System Attribute in the metadatabase is set to FALSE and the UserID is provided in the metadatabase, then you can set this value to 1 to bypass the login screen. The default value is 0 (requires login).
  14. BlurTrigger
    Reserved. Do not change this value.
  15. ViewPortSetting
    Set to control various viewport settings on mobile devices (primarily width). Acceptable values depend on the device. The default value is width=device-width. "ViewPortSetting" can be customized based on device resolution, see note below about "Multiple screen resolutions".
  16. UserIdSize
    Set the length of the user id field on the login screen. The default value is 18.
  17. PasswordSize
    Set the length of the password field on the login screen. The default value is 18.


Multiple screen resolutions

If there are multiple mobile device resolutions then ScreenWidth, Font, controlFontSize can be customized per screen resolution. For example if there is a mobile device with screen resolution 480x640, then new name value pairs can be added for specific screen resolution . "ScreenWidth480x640", Font480x640, controlFontSize480x640 can all have different values. If there is no screen resolution specific information then unqualified entries (ScreenWidth, Font, controlFontSize) are used. Please note that device specific settings are only applicable to mobile browsers (not desktop browsers). Desktop browsers will only use default settings.

The values of ScreenWidth, NoTruncate, Font and ControlFontSize all combine with the sizes of the individual fields as defined in the metadatabase to determine how the screen layout is rendered on various devices.

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