Specify Required User Default Parameters with the ADCADMIN Screen

Specify Required User Default Parameters with the ADCADMIN Screen

The ADCADMIN screen in the NLINK ADC to SAP Solution lets you select parameter values from the SAP user profile. Usually, users can manage their own default parameters via SAPGUI from the Parameters tab in System >> User Profile >> User Data.

some parameters in SAP user profile

The ADCADMIN screen lets you set some of these parameters as required values, and then various NLINK screens can use those values based on the logged in user.

setting a required parameter in the ADCADMIN screen

When the SAP user logs on, NLINK looks for the requirements parameters in the user’s profile. If the profile doesn’t have the parameter(s), you may see an error message:

Depending on the screen configuration, the user may be able to continue and enter the value in the screen.

If NLINK finds the parameter, it reads the value. Generally, these values display along with the user id at the top of the screen. Whether and how the value(s) are used in the screens depends on the specific configuration.

initial screen with default plant code from user’s WRK parameter


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