Use Custom Classes as CSS Selectors
Use Custom Classes as CSS Selectors
Use the Write ADC Data Action to assign one or more custom classes to a field. To later remove a class (e.g., after passing a validation), set the ADC Attribute ADC::Class to [NULL].
If you want to assign a custom class to a button, you must also explicitly include "nlink_button round button" as well as your custom class(es):
Depending on the control type, you may need additional CSS.
Text Box, Number, Etc.
.NLINKControl.show_a_border { border: 3px outset; } .NLINKControl.attention_field ,.NLINKControl.attention_field:focus { background-color: yellow; }
.button.special_button{ background-color:lightslategray; border-color:slategray; } .button.special_button:hover, .button.special_button:focus{ background-color:dimgray; border-color:gray; } .button.special_button[disabled], .button.special_button[disabled]:hover, .button.special_button[disabled]:focus{ background-color:silver; border-color:lightslategray; }
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