Defining ADC Menu Group Validations (ADC5)
Follow these steps define ADC Menu Group Validations to determine which menu group users will see after they successfully log into the barcode solution.
These instructions assume that the following steps are completed:
The menu group validation in the ADC solution sets the menu items for each logon user based on the groups the user belongs to. The different menu groups must first be defined in the Edit ADC Menu Groups Wizard in the NCM or NMM.
In the example shown above, a user belonging to the Warehouse group would get the Warehouse Menu, while a user belonging to the Supervisor group would get the Supervisor Menu, which provides access to the Goods Movement and Inventory submenus.
The Default Group is used if the user presents valid credentials (e.g., they can log on to SAP) but does not have any assigned groups that match up with the configured ADC Menu Groups.
The ADC Menu Groups are checked from top to bottom. The first group that is found on the user will determine which menu is shown.
The validation types available are:
Active Directory: Menu display based on the group users belong to in the Active Directory.
SAP Logon Group: Menu display based on the SAP User Group for Authorization Check.
SAP User Groups: Menu display based on the groups in the SAP User Group Assignment List.
Custom: Menu display based on user groups defined in NLINK.
None: Users will see all menu options defined in the first menu group.
Active Directory
For this setting, the NLINK ADC to SAP Solution uses Windows user ids and groups to determine successful logins and also to manage access to the transaction screens.
To use Active Directory validation, the ADC External System Attribute “Authentication Mode” should be set to “Active Directory”
For version older than NLINK, different settings need to be used. Please see older version of this document.
SAP Logon Group
For this setting, the NLINK ADC to SAP Solution checks the User group setting in the Logon data tab of the User profile. Based on this setting, the solution will display the menu groups setup in the ADC Menu Groups.
To use SAP user group validation (either this option or the next option listed below), the ADC External System Attribute “Authentication Mode” should be set to “SAP”, “SAP - SSO” or “SAP - SNC”. NLINK looks up the group information from the user profile to determine which menu to show.
For version older than NLINK, different settings need to be used. Please see older version of this document.
SAP Language Note
If you specify the Language as shown above, that language will be used for all user logons.
If you want to pick the Default language from the SAP User Profile, leave the ADC External System Attribute for Language blank. In this case, you must specify a Default language in the SAP User Profile to be able to logon.
SAP User Groups
For this setting, the NLINK ADC to SAP Solution retrieves the user group assignment list from the SAP Group Assignment tab of the User profile. Based on this list, the first group found in this list that corresponds to one of the menu group items in the ADC Menu Group Setup will be displayed for the users.
(See the comment above regarding the ADC External System Attribute settings.)
As of NLINK version, you can set up NLINK-specific users and groups in the ADC Menu Wizard.
After setting up the Menu Groups and their menus, choose Users from the Wizard’s context menu. Add usernames to the list and assign them to the Menu Groups as desired. As above, the first group containing the user name determines the menu that NLINK provides.
Custom menus can be used with either Active Directory or SAP passthrough logon settings. With Active Directory logon, use the Windows user ids in the NLINK menu setup. With SAP passthrough logon, use the SAP user ids.
To use SAP validation in an S/4Cloud environment, enable the public ping URL and set the ADC External System Attributes as follows:
No Validation
For this setting, all menu items defined in the first menu will be listed for any users who logs into the solution. In our example above, all users would get the Warehouse menu.