NLINK Hardware Requirements

As a base requirement, production deployments of NLINK® should be run on Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.  NLINK operates completely in-memory and only requires physical disk space to: (a) store its meta-database configuration data (usually just a few Mbytes), and (b) store transient data used with advanced features such as Store-and-Forward and Replication c) store any logs. It is best to use the fastest disk available to maximize performance.

Note that when deploying NLINK on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019, as operating system itself requires up to 4 GB RAM, it is recommended to use 8 GB (or more) RAM. In addition it is recommended that the operating system be setup to use paging file, which allows total memory of all processes running to be more than installed RAM. Without paging file, Windows OS will limit memory use to amount of RAM installed. 

For a production system we suggest purchasing a set of hardware that will meet both your immediate performance requirements and still allow you to scale to meet future needs.  Choosing the best set of hardware to match your NLINK implementation is really a series of cost-benefit analysis steps that is different for every deployment. We will be more than happy to assist you further in the process of choosing the optimal hardware configuration based upon the needs of your specific project. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at support (at) junotsystems (dot) com.

Note that Virtual environments such as VMware and/or Microsoft’s Hyper-V are also supported. If NLINK is being deployed in virtual machine, make sure it is set to use a static MAC address.