Test SAP Connectivity with the NMM

The NLINK Management Module (NMM) can be used to perform a quick connection test to a SAP system.


You need a meta-database with at least one SAP RFC/BAPI, Query or Transaction External System configured. (As of NLINK, the default meta-database includes a sample External System for this purpose.)

You may need appropriate Destination entry(ies) in the sapnwrfc.ini file. (As of NLINK, you can make direct application server connections to SAP without using the .ini file.)

Step-by-step guide

Using the NMM: 

  1. Make sure the appropriately configured NLINK meta-database is the Active Meta-Database.
  2. Choose Options >> Text External System Connection from the menu.
  3. Populate the necessary NLINK Environment Constants or External System Attributes for the SAP External Systems you want to test.
  4. Click the Test button. You can modify the External System Attribute values here and re-test. If you change the values and you want to keep the changes, click the Save button.

  5. If you have more than one testable External System configured, you can choose the other External Systems from the pull-down.