Test SAP Connectivity with NLINK 4.x

Test SAP Connectivity with NLINK 4.x

Follow these steps to test connectivity to an SAP system using NLINK 4.x.

Version Warning

This page is relevant only to NLINK 4.x.

Step-by-step guideĀ 

You can use the NLINK Management Module (NMM) or the NLINK Configuration Module (NCM) to perform a quick connection test to an SAP TYPE A or TYPE B destination. You must be able to start the NLINK Server in order to test an SAP TYPE R destination.

For SAP RFC/BAPI, Query or Transaction External Systems, and for SAP IDoc External Systems that will send IDocs to SAP, you will need to specify an appropriate TYPE A or TYPE B destination from the saprfc.ini file along with an SAP client code, user name, password and logon language code.

For SAP RFC Listener External Systems and for SAP IDoc External Systems that will receive IDocs from SAP, you will need to specify the appropriate TYPE R destination, but you will not need user logon information.

If you have a pre-configured meta-database or an NLINK Solution, populate the necessary NLINK Environment Constants or External System Attributes for the SAP External Systems you want to test.

If you are starting with a blank meta-database, you will need to use the NCM to create an External System for each External System Type that you wish to test and populate its Attributes accordingly.

Using the NLINK Management Module (NMM):

Make sure the appropriately configured NLINK meta-database is the Active Meta-Database.


Once you have made sure that you are using the correct NLINK meta-database, open the Test External System Connection dialog by choosing Options then Test External System Connection.

Click the Test button. You can modify the External System Attribute values here and re-test. If you change the values and you want to keep the changes, click the Save button.

If you have more than one testable External System configured, you can choose the other External Systems from the pull-down.

If you have a configuration that receives IDocs or RFC Listener calls from SAP, you will have to run the NLINK Server and use the SAP GUI to look for the registration in SAP. More details here.